Listen up.
Below are all recordings containing evidence of collusion against my sister by Cape Fear Community College employees in their plot to remove her from the Sonography program.
Individuals in Recordings
Brandon Guthrie: Vice President of Academic Affairs
Kellee Stacks: Director of Medical Sonography Program
Angela Meeker: Program Instructor
Mandy Harrington: Local sonographer at ED North/Scott’s Hill
Tina Wood: Local sonographer at ED North/Scott’s Hill
In this recording, Brandon Guthrie talks about how my instructors were unaware how entrenched clinical instructors were in this whole thing. He also discusses that the text messages were appalling.
In this recording, Guthrie admits that after seeing the evidence, he sees what was going on. Additionally, my mom tells Guthrie how my sister tried to tell her instructors what was going on. When my mom informs Guthrie my sister called Amber a snake to her instructors, Guthrie says “it’s not untrue, though.”
In this recording, my mom asks Brandon Guthrie if he mentioned my sister’s clinical grades being changed. He says he did mention it and that my sister’s instructors referred back to the policy manual (they created) that states that grade changes are not uncommon and they have the right to do so. In this recording also, Guthrie states he doesn’t know how someone can go from “always using the machine correctly” to “sometimes using the machine correctly” and that there was “definitely something fishy there.”
In this recording, Brandon Guthrie admits that they (CFCC) have to make changes.
In this recording, Brandon Guthrie asks for my sister to hold off on legal action so the issues can be rectified. Brandon Guthrie adds that CFCC has had enough media stuff going on and he wants to be able to prove that he’s able to clean it up and get everyone doing what they’re supposed to do.
In this recording, Brandon Guthrie says he appreciates my sister bringing this forward so he can make change, and that this is a treasure trove of information that will help him make change
Instructor Angela Meeker admitting she had taken the liberty of initialing my sister's Plan of Action herself, despite my sister having not agreed to the Plan of Action or the forging of her initials on an official educational document.
In this recording, my sister is asking her clinical instructor what time to be back for lunch and she (Tina Wood) tells her 1:30 pm. My sister was kicked out of the program just two weeks later for taking extended lunch periods, despite her clinical instructors telling her to do so two days in a row.
In this recording, my sister is meeting with Brandon Guthrie to keep him updated on her progress through the program, as he requested. This recording is nearly 13 minutes long, and is full of information; however, key pieces found in this recording include:
-Brandon Guthrie tells my sister that he received an email informing CFCC that my sister was welcome at Novant clinical sites, with the exception of Novant Health NHRMC (where Amber Vencill, Nicole Herren, and Sicilia Cipalla work) and Novant Health Pender Medical Center (where Ashley Gaul works). Brandon Guthrie makes the statement to my sister that it's almost as if she is having to "forfeit" her opportunity at these clinical sites because of the employees that work there.
-Brandon Guthrie admits he doesn't understand why so many people are invested in my sister's education after reading the text messages she provided to him.
-My sister is expressing her feedback on the way CFCC sonography instructors have the ability to change clinical grades. After explaining why she thinks CFCC instructors shouldn't be allowed to change grades given to students by clinical instructors, Brandon Guthrie admits and agrees that the way CFCC sonography grades "leaves it open to be able to do that."
In this recording, my sister’s clinical instructor is recounting her time in the program and how she struggled with certain scan subjects. She relays to my sister how she felt she was not getting help when she messed something up, and was merely told to go scan again.
In this recording, Guthrie is recounting his meetings with Angela, Kellee, and Laura and how he told them whatever they think Amber is, she’s not. He also discusses how it’s clear Amber was targeting my sister and recruiting clinical instructors so they would have a bias against her. He also states, “while they’re supposed to be helping her, they’re texting back and forth about her.”
In this recording, Brandon Guthrie asks for a paper copy of the text messages so as to avoid an issue if there were to be a public information request for his emails. He also informs my sister of his plan of action for keeping clinical sites in check going forward.
In this recording, Brandon Guthrie admits that “9 times out of 10, when a situation comes up like this, it’s exactly what somebody like me would think. When I saw this, I said ‘uh uh. This is different.’”
In this recording, my sister informs Brandon Guthrie that she confronted all three instructors (Angela, Kellee, Laura) about disseminating her grades and they all three denied it. When my sister said she was upset because it broke law, Guthrie agreed and said “sure.”
In this recording, Brandon Guthrie says “when I envision Cape Fear’s standards, this is not them.” Referring to the evidence my sister presented.
In this recording, my sister is discussing with Brandon Guthrie that there are people my sister has never met discussing her progress in the sonography program. Brandon Guthrie admits he wondered why so many people were so invested in her progression through the sonography program.
In this recording, my sister asks Kellee to send a message to the CFCC lab instructors to see who leaked her information (her being dismissed from sonography program). Kellee agrees to send a text and tells her she will have an answer the next day. Unbeknownst to my sister at the time of this recording (May 8, 2023) it was Kellee who leaked her personal information.
In this recording, my sister is asking her clinical instructor what time to be back for lunch and she (Mandy Harrington) tells her 1:30 pm. My sister was kicked out of the program just two weeks later for taking extended lunch periods, despite her clinical instructors telling her to do so two days in a row.
In this recording, my sister’s clinical instructor pulls my sister aside to ask her if they (CFCC sonography) were trying to let her go from the program. My sister asks how she heard about her dismissal because the CFCC sonography instructors assured her no one would know unless she (my sister) made it known. Additionally, her clinical instructor goes on to say CFCC sonography tried to do the same thing to her when she was going through the program… yet another individual Cape Fear Community College’s sonography program ostracized.
In this recording, my sister’s clinical instructor tells her not to let this (her dismissal) mess with the perception of herself, because she “can do this.”